27 July 2013

The United States of America was a Beautiful Rain Forest

''You've destroyed a whole rain forest. This United States of America was a beautiful rain forest. All those dams - those Hoover dams and Tennessee Valley Authorities that you've got running up and down the water, that's why the dam water's so fucked up now is all them aqueducts and those artificial lakes and rivers that they create for those shopping malls and to water their automobiles down. They've created an artificial environment on the planet with that industrial revolution and its killing all the life on Earth.''
- Charles Manson

Awhile back I had the experience of visiting Hendy Woods California State Park. The Majestic Redwoods at Hendy, like all Redwoods are something that must be viewed in real life to understand their truly impressive magnificence, no photo can capture their beauty. 

California Redwood
Hendy Woods like many state parks in California, is under threat to be closed, I encourage like-minded people to visit our state and national parks in a respectful manner and to find out the status of parks in your area, most parks gladly accept much needed donations and volunteer help with cleaning up trash, removing vandalism, helping with wildlife rescue, repairs etc.

Below are a few more photos from Hendy, if you visit one of the great historic parks in your area and would like to share your photos and impressions here on the blog, send them to orderofatwa@gmail.com


26 July 2013

Charles Manson - Cause and Reason

Charles Manson
Cehere Knowu,
The winds blow from the corners of the universe in the gentle whispers of a love beyond the frail body of person…the credit or blame, cause or reason. 
Can you give one all the credit and none of the blame – or say one is to blame with none of the credit? Man who says why must have a reason. Is man the cause of all things or the reason? If you see bad and good, then is not your mind in two pieces? Can you know happy and not know sorrow? Or is it within you to be your own blame, excuse, cause, reason, why's and because? Are you because? If I'm the blame, am I then not also the reason? If I'm the cause am I not also the because and why and words in excuses for doing? If I am all the bad, can I know it and also have another side? 
Could you in truth say why and in turn say I am because and the reason cause as well as if I were to ask you why and you smiled and said to me all we really have is each other or nothing? Without you I have no cause, reason, excuses or purpose. You are the one that you see in me.
I'm a servant and witness of love, faith, truth and trust.
Charles Manson