''Let me clear some things from the sounds I make. I don't perform, entertain, or act. I'm not for sale. My music is me, I am one song. My life is my religion music song soul self as I'm moved by spirit soul or the other side of what's seen and called graves or death. Music is family religion. It's the way we spread news and talk to our soul. We travel and are a media to and for our people. We have done this since bagpipes and golf games from our fathers. It's not a buy or sell thing to me... I don't sell the wind that blows through me.''
- Charles Manson
''Music.... is like the soul from center. It's sound from the birth baby to the old and death and beyond. It hooks up life, death, and all we don't understand. It is the universe on a level all its own. There are awarenesses hidden within sound just like programs within your computer.''
- Charles Manson
''We all evolved together, and made music together. The music just became incredible. And a lot of what he was singing was coming right through him. The words would come spontaneously. He has a rich, fine voice. I thought of the image of liquid golden sunshine, like the deep gold brown of his eyes. And it's so full of feeling. His voice can get very loud. He sings in Spanish and what words he doesn't know he makes up as he goes because what he's doing is expressing feelings that are from Spanish. There are sounds from the cross, sounds from infants. I love his funky, down home Southern music. He's not bound in any way by any thing. He's free. His mind is free, his creativity is boundless, so he opens up a whole new door on music. It's a whole new dimension there.''
- Sandra Good (Blue)
''Later the guys started composing a lot of new songs in the desert. They tripped and came to a lot of thoughts based upon their awareness, their knowIedge, and an old Hopi Indian who didn't even talk -- he just smiled.The songs explain it better than I could. l believe that they had tuned into "Now", the endIess space of what was, what is, and what could be. They read the traiIs.''
- Lynette Fromme (Red)
''Manson grew up in the 30's with Hank Williams the first who was, he tells me - originally called 'Luke the Drifter', - Lefty Frizzel, Frankie Laine and he always mentions Bing Crosby. Charlie's got a fine voice with three or four comfortable octaves, but he generally only sings soft, beautiful songs in soft, beautiful places. He can sing "When They Begin The Beguine" going up three octaves on the guitar, and on my spine, but he doesn't like to sing old or over-used stuff that is not in now.''
- Lynette Fromme (Red)